28-29 mai 2015 : HyperUrbain5

Colloque HyperUrbain5 : Temporalité de la ville

en savoir plus

La série des colloques « HyperUrbain » propose des réflexions sur la ville en devenir, en termes communicationnels, artistiques, culturels, philosophiques, sociaux,économiques, politiques, technologiques, …
HyperUrbain.5 s’adresse à tous les acteurs qui pensent la ville, qu’ils soient chercheurs et/ou professionnels.


22-24 octobre 2015 : ACADIA

Conferences ACADIA : Computational Ecologies : Design in the Anthropocene

en savoir plus

The ACADIA 2015 Conference titled « Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene » will take place at the University of Cincinnati School of Architecture and Interior Design in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA on October 22-24, 2015. Workshops are scheduled for October 19th-21st and a hackathon for October 25th. The event is supported by the University of Cincinnati School of Architecture and Interior Design, Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center and Hotel 21c.

DigitalHeritage2015 – Granada, Spain / 28 sep – 2 oct 2015

DigitalHeritage is the biggest international event for scientists working on information technology & cultural heritage.

As federated world congress of the leading international societies & organizations, DigitalHeritage 2015 will bring together VSMM, Eurographics GCH, Arqueológica 2.0, Archaeovirtual, and special events from CAA, CIPA, Space2Place, ICOMOS ICIP, and more, all in one venue with a prestigious joint publication. A groundbreaking public display of cutting edge digital heritage projects will also grace the conference venue at Granada’s Alhambra and Parque de las Ciencias. Continuer la lecture de « DigitalHeritage2015 – Granada, Spain / 28 sep – 2 oct 2015 »

6-9 Avril 2015 : ARCC

Conference Architectural Research Center Consortium

en savoir plus

Research in architecture, design and the built environment is currently diversifying and reaching new directions. Technological changes, such as new materials, construction techniques and design representations, have accelerated the need for research within design disciplines. Today, research is more important than ever and it is also becoming an integral component in the design practices. The theme of ARCC 2015 Conference, the FUTURE of Architectural Research, will address these aspects and will be a primary event for researchers, faculty members, design professionals, and policy makers to discuss and set the course for the future direction of architectural research. Today, interdisciplinary research approaches that address advanced materials, building technologies, environmental and energy concerns, computational design, automation in construction, design delivery methods, and project management are essential for advancing the state of knowledge relating to the design of built environment. This conference will address these topics, and will also aim to define the future course of architectural research.


Advanced Materials and Building Technologies: research topics relating to materials, their performance and applications in architectural design, experimental studies, building technologies and implementations in current design projects.

Environmental, Energy and Building Performance Factors: research topics relating to environmental and energy aspects in buildings and cites, high-performance buildings.

Computational Design: research topics relating to use of computational tools and approaches for design, BIM, parametric modeling, simulations and modeling, use of virtual reality for design.

Design Delivery: research topics relating to design delivery, methods, relationships between design agents, integrated project delivery.

Project Management: research relating to business side of design, management, client engagement, project management methods for high-performance buildings.

Social and Behavioral Research: research topics relating to buildings’ use and operation, post-occupancy evaluations, occupant satisfaction.

Building Types and Design Methods: research topics relating to specific building types (commercial, civic, institutional, healthcare, and residential) and their design methods.

Research in Practice: topics relating to new modes of research specifically suited for design practices, appropriate methods, implementation of results.

Research and Education in Academia: topics relating to new modes of research in academic settings, integration of educational curricula and research.

Colloque international – « Création » LABEX CAP de L’Hesam. MAI 2015

Rappel – Appel à communications 

A la demande générale, la date de soumission des articles complets est reportée au 31 Octobre

Colloque international et francophone organisé dans le cadre du programme « Création » du LABEX CAP de L’Hesam

Site du colloque : http://labexcapnumerique.wordpress.com/appel-a-communication/

Continuer la lecture de « Colloque international – « Création » LABEX CAP de L’Hesam. MAI 2015 »

SCAN’14 – Interaction(s) des maquettes numériques

Interaction(s) des maquettes numériques

Actes du 6ème Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique

Édité par Jean-Claude Bignon, Gilles Halin et Sylvain Kubicki

PUN – 2014

Résumé :

Dans le domaine de l’Architecture, l’Ingénierie et la Construction, les pratiques de conception, de construction, et d’utilisation des bâtiments s’appuient désormais couramment sur des modèles numériques du bâti. Ces modèles sont amenés à devenir progressivement les garants d’une qualité du projet, de l’efficacité de la communication entre les intervenants ou encore de la maîtrise des coûts de construction et d’exploitation des infrastructures. Ce constat s’étend naturellement aux pratiques de conception à l’échelle urbaine, aux grandes infrastructures, aux projets liés au patrimoine historique ou encore aux démarches de gestion et d’entretien de bâtiments et parcs immobiliers.
BIM (Building Information Modeling) et SIG (Système d’Information Géographique), acronymes largement répandus dans les communautés professionnelles, scientifiques et pédagogiques, désignent cette modélisation partagée de l’architecture, l’infrastructure, du territoire ou du patrimoine. Ces approches associent également des processus collectifs qui sont nécessairement liés à la production ou à l’utilisation des modèles.
Constatant que « BIM » est devenu un mot-clé largement répandu dans le monde professionnel, les chercheurs et pédagogues peuvent désormais transformer leur action au plus près des attentes du terrain. C’est l’angle de lecture proposé pour cet ouvrage, regroupant 27 contributions sélectionnées après expertise par un comité scientifique. Celles-ci ont été présentées lors de la conférence internationale SCAN’14 (Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique) qui s’est tenue au Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, du 18 au 20 juin 2014.



Démarches de projet et maquette numérique
Rob van Helvoort, Valérie Becquart – Data driven design
Aurélie de Boissieu, David Thomas – Évaluer et développer une pratique BIM dans l’ingénierie du bâtiment
Philippe Marin, José Antonio Cuba Segura – Outils, méthodes et acteurs : analyse des limites à l’utilisation de la maquette numérique
Conrad Boton, Sylvain Kubicki – Maturité des pratiques BIM

Modèles collaboratifs et maquette numérique
Daniel Zignale, Sylvain Kubicki – Modélisation des échanges d’information orientés objets du bâtiment
Aida Siala, Mohamed Bouattour, Bilel Grissa – Modélisation de la notion d’espace dans le contexte de la coopération numérique
Vincent Delfosse, Christelle Boulanger, Aurélie Jeunejean, Cyril Carré, Roland Billen, Pierre Leclercq – SPATIODATA, un modèle de bâtiment non-constructif, collaboratif et multi-usage
Tarcisio Mendes de Farias, Ana Roxin, Thomas Durif, Florian Orpelière, Christophe Nicolle – Enrichissement sémantique d’un fichier IFC pour une extraction partielle dynamique.

Programmation architecturale et stratégies de conception
Annie Guerriero, Clémentine Fry – La programmation architecturale au Luxembourg : Enquête et perspectives
Amirabbas Najari, Marc Barth, Michel Sonntag – Contribution de la notion de Contradiction à la Stratégie Conceptuelle pour la phase amont de la Conception Architecturale
Cyril Mauger, Sylvain Kubicki – Intégration de la notion de Service dans un processus de modélisation adapté à la programmation architecturale

Conception et construction numérique
Louis Destombes – Modélisation et imaginaire constructif
Thierry Ciblac – Stratégie de modélisation paramétrique d’une maquette physique évolutive
Frédéric Delvaux, Romuald Bianchi, Sylvie Jancart – De la matière à l’espace : une voie d’intégration numérique et matérielle
Julien Meyer, Gilles Duchanois, Jean-Claude Bignon – Le pli, une figure d’interface entre architecture et ingénierie

Echelles et modélisation urbaine
Bernard Ferriès, Marion Bonhomme – La maquette numérique, un moyen d’augmenter la densité informationnelle d’un territoire ?
Charles-Edouard Tolmer, Christophe Castaing, Denis Morand, Youssef Diab – Structuration des informations pour les projets d’infrastructures : Proposition de niveaux complémentaires aux Level Of Detail et Level Of Development
Nancy Ottaviano, Alain Renk – Outils publics de visualisations

Conception et dispositifs urbains
Khaoula Raboudi, Abdelkader Ben Saci – Génération de volumes de contrôle solaire
Myriam Servières, Daniel Siret, Laurent Lescop – Outils numériques mobiles, ambiances et design urbain : quelques résultats issus du workshop pluridisciplinaire MOBIANCE
Mohamed Adel Souami, Sabrina Kacher – La modélisation numérique 3D comme outil d’aide à la compréhension du dispositif urbain de l’immeuble passage : cas de la ville d’Alger

Approches pédagogiques numériques
Abdelkader Boutemadja, Carine Driesmans, Sylvie Jancart – Le B.I.M. et la maquette virtuelle comme moyen pédagogique permettant le rapprochement entre les cours d’informatique et l’enseignement du projet d’architecture
Serge Faraut, Bernard Ferries, Jean-Pierre Goulette, Sandra Marques – Architectures numériques au service du projet : de l’analyse urbaine au projet architectural
Philippe Marin, Marian Janda, Yann Blanchi – Les principes de la SmartCity support d’une activité projectuelle et d’une contextualisation subjective

Conception architecturale et Systèmes d’Information
Amira Bejaoui, Najla Allani-Bouhoula – Expérimentation architecturologique de l’esquisse architecturale
Houssem Eddine Mnejja, Temy Tidafi – Moyens numériques et conception architecturale : une approche pour gérer les connaissances
Rached Barbouche – Modélisation et connaissance des formes décoratives dans l’architecture de Tunis de la fin du XIXe et du début du XXe siècle

Index des auteurs


 Presses universitaires de Nancy
Date de première publication : 15 juillet 2014

Livre broché
334 p.
ISBN-10 : 2814301713
ISBN-13 : 9782814301719

Le Comptoir des presses d’universités



Prix décernés par l’ Académie d’Architecture

Les lauréats du Prix de l’académie de l’architecture sont :

Premier prix :

Julien Meyer (MAP-CRAI, ENSA de Nancy), :« Le pli, une figure d’interface entre architecture et ingénierie ».

Deux Mentions à :

Nancy Ottaviano (LAA-Lavue, ENSA Paris La Villette) : « Outils publics de visualisations »

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias (Active 3D, Dijon) : « Enrichissement sémantique d’un fichier IFC pour une extraction partielle dynamique »

Jury : Jean-claude Bignon (ENSA Nancy), Jean-Pierre Couwenbergh (ISAB, Bruxelles), Isabelle Fasse (ABC, ENSA,Marseille), François Guéna (ENSA Paris La villette), Geneviève Martin (ULB, Bruxelles), Paul Quintrand (Académie d’Architecture), Louis-Paul Untersteller (MAP-MAACC, ENSAPVL Paris)

Prix décerné par l’Association de Recherche sur la Conception Architecturale Numérique ARCAN

Le lauréat du prix du meilleur poster :

Elie Daher « Modélisation paramétrique des abris d’urgence », (CRP Henri TUDO, Map-Crai , ENSA de Nancy

Jury : Thierry Ciblac (ENSA Paris La villette), Didier Dalbera (ENSA-Marseille), Catherine Deshayes, (ENSA Paris La villette), Bernard Ferries (ENSA-Toulouse), Annie Guerriero (CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg), Gilles Halin (ENSA-Nancy), Sylvain Kubicki (CRP-Tudor, Luxembourg), Philippe Marin (ENSA-Lyon), Geneviève Martin (ULB, Bruxelles)

6-8 Novembre 2014 : KICSS

9th International conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems

en savoir plus

Elias Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus
(Proceedings will be published by Springer)


Following the tradition of previous conferences on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, KICSS 2014 will cover all aspects of knowledge management, knowledge engineering, intelligent information systems, and creativity in an information technology context, including computational creativity and its cognitive and collaborative aspects. Papers reporting original unpublished research results on theoretical foundations, IT implementations of decision support and expert systems, as well as case studies of successful applications of the above- mentioned ideas in various fields are equally solicited.

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: June 20, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: August 8, 2014
Camera-Ready Version Due: September 8, 2014
Research-in-Progress Report Submission Deadline: September 5, 2014
Research-in-Progress Reports Author Notification Due: September 12, 2014
Research-in-Progress Reports Camera-Ready Versions Due: September 19, 2014


  • The list of conference topics includes but is not limited to:
    Anticipatory networks, systems, and decisions
    Autonomous creative systems
    Cognitive foundations of knowledge
    Cognitive and psychological issues in creativity research
    Cognitive foundations of knowledge
    Collaborative activities in Living Labs
    Collaborative idea generation and creativity
    Collaborative knowledge creation
    Collaborative working environments fostering creativity
    Complex system modelling
    Computer supported creativity
    Creative approaches to model technological evolution
    Creative business models
    Creative conflict resolution
    Creative coordination and cooperation mechanisms
    Creative decision processes
    Creative interaction techniques
    Creative model building
    Creative reasoning and decision making
    Creative research environments and their performance
    Creative social computing
    Creative visualisation of data and knowledge
    Creativity in finance
    Creativity in augmented reality
    Creativity in health care
    Creativity in mobile applications
    Creativity in social media
    Creativity in the Cloud
    Creativity measurement
    Creativity support systems
    Creativity transfer and stimulation
    Creativity vs. rationality
    Creativity-enhancing interfaces
    Creativity-oriented information system architectures
    Decision sciences
    Decision support systems (DSS)
    Discovering opportunities, threats and challenges
    Foresight support systems (FSS)
    Future Internet and knowledge-based society
    Future exploration and modelling
    Future perspectives of knowledge, information, and creativity support
    Game-theoretical aspects of knowledge
    General creative systems (GCS)
    Group recommendation, and advise
    Heuristics and general problem solving
    Identifying real options in complex business environments
    Information fusion
    Information quality
    Intelligent analysis of Big Data
    Knowledge extraction, creation, and acquisition
    Knowledge in multi-agent systems
    Knowledge integration
    Knowledge management in business, industry, and administration
    Knowledge representation and reasoning
    Knowledge verification and validation
    Living Lab support systems (LLSS)
    Machine learning and creativity
    Malicious creativity in the web, its discovery and remedy
    Mathematical models of creative processes
    Multi- and interdisciplinary approaches in creativity research
    Multicriteria decision making
    Natural language analysis
    Non-monotonic reasoning
    Ontology creation and management
    Open innovation
    Organizational learning
    Preference modelling
    Reasoning about knowledge
    Recommender systems
    Scientific information management
    Search for a compromise in multicriteria decision making and collaborative games
    Social Computing
    Social factors of collaborative creativity
    Software-based stimulation of creativity
    Supervised and semi-supervised learning
    Trust modeling
    Uncertainty modelling
    Virtual environment design
    Visual Analytics and Intelligent User Interfaces
    Web intelligence tools
    World models
    Important Dates
    Paper Submission Deadline: June 20, 2014
    Notification of Acceptance: August 8, 2014
    Camera-Ready Version Due: September 8, 2014
    Research-in-Progress Report Submission Deadline: September 5, 2014
    Research-in-Progress Reports Author Notification Due: September 12, 2014
    Research-in-Progress Reports Camera-Ready Versions Due:
    September 19, 2014
    Regular papers on all conference topics should be formatted according to the
    Springer CS Proceedings (LNCS) format and should not exceed 12 pages.
    Short and industrial/demo papers as well as research-in-progress reports
    should not exceed 6 pages according to the above format. Up to 2 additional
    pages may be allowed at extra charge.
    The KICSS 2014 papers can be submitted via Easychair.

    Submissions that overlap substantially with any other papers printed, submitted, or
    accepted for publication or presentation elsewhere are not allowed.
    Special session proposals may be submitted by email to the KICSS Organizing
    Committee. Although there is no formal template for such a proposal,
    the proposers should nevertheless specify the title of the session, describe
    briefly its essential content and relation to the conference topics, and specify
    the expected number of contributions, and titles, if already known.
    The KICSS 2014 (Post-) Proceedings will be published in the Springer
    Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISSN 2194-5357,
    indexed by ISI Proceedings, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, Ulrich’s, EI-Compendex,
    DBLP, MetaPress, Springerlink, see more here. The Post-Proceedings will
    contain all the revised regular papers and – following an extension – a selection of
    research-in-progress reports as well as short and demo papers.The authors of the selected best papers presented at the conference will be
    invited to submit the revised and extended versions of their contributions to
    special issues of high-rank scientific journals.



    Conference Chairs
    Susumu Kunifuji, JAIST, Japan
    George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
    Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski, P&BF and AGH, Poland


    Local Organizing Chair
    George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus


    Award Chairs
    Susumu Kunifuji, JAIST, Japan
    Thanaruk Theeramunkong, Thammasat University, Thailand


    Invited Session Chairs
    Tomoko Kajiyama, JAIST, Japan
    Vincent Cheng-Siong Lee, Monash University, Australia
    Takaya Yuizono, JAIST, Japan


    Program Committee
    Chi-Hung Chi, CSIRO, Australia

    João Clímaco, University of Coimbra, Portugal
    Simon Colton, University of London, UK
    Eugene Dubossarsky, Presciient, Australia
    Mark Embrechts, RPI, USA
    Ali Eydgahi, Eastern Michigan University, USA
    John Garofalakis, University of Patras, Greece
    Tessai Hayama, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
    Hidehi Hayashi, Naruto University of Education, Japan
    Hidehiko Hayashi, Naruto University of Education, Japan
    Christopher Hinde, Loughborough University, UK
    Josef Jablonsky, University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic
    Janusz Kacprzyk, Systems Research Institute – PAS, Poland
    Hideaki Kanai, JAIST, Japan
    Takashi Kawaji, Ohtsuki City College, Japan
    Takahiro Kawaji, Ohtsuki City Colledge, Japan
    Thomas Koehler, TU Dresden, Germany
    Paul Kwan, University of New England, USA
    Vincent Cs Lee, Monash University, Australia
    Antoni Ligeza, AGH, Poland
    Ahmad Lotfi, Nottingham Trent University, UK
    Akinori Minaduk, Kushiro Prefecture University, Japan
    Motoki Miura, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
    Kazunori Miyata, JAIST, Japan
    David C. Moffat, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
    Anna Mura, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain
    Toyohisa Nakada, Niigata University of Interenational and Information Studies, Japan
    Kazushi Nishimoto, JAIST, Japan
    Maciej Nowak, University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic
    Kok-Leong Ong, Deakin University, Australia
    Francois Pachet, CSL Sony Paris, France
    Robert Pearson
    Przemyslaw Pukocz, AGH, Poland
    Pawel Rotter, AGH, Poland
    Jose L. Salmeron, University Pablo de Olavide, Spain
    Jagannathan Sarangapani, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
    Eric Schai, SCU, USA
    Hsu-Shih Shih, Tamkang University, Taiwan
    Mikifumi Shikida, JAIST, Japan
    Marcin Skowron, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Austria
    Johan Suykens, K.U. Leuven, ESAT-SCD, Belgium
    Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, AGH, Poland
    I-Hsien Ting, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
    Brijesh Verma, Central Queensland University, Australia
    Yongui Wang, Nanjiing University, China
    Michal Wozniak, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
    Fan Wu, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan
    Takashi Yoshino, Wakayama University, Japan
    Atsuo Yoshitaka, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
    Takaya Yuizono, JAIST, Japan
    John Zeleznikow, Victoria University, Australia
    Songmao Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Constantin Zopounidis, Technical University of Crete, Greece